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Mayor: Police and emergency services deserve a proper pay rise

Sadiq Khan, Mayor of London speaks with police officers and Deputy Mayor for Policing and Crime, Sophie Linden
Created on
12 September 2017

The Mayor has called for a pay rise for police and emergency services - and for the Government to properly fund London's police services, warning that the current funding levels risk further cuts to policing in London.

Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, said:

Our police and emergency services deserve a proper pay rise. The Government's offer to police is totally inadequate - it is below the level of inflation and they haven't agreed to fund it.

That means it will inevitably lead to cuts elsewhere in the police budget – which likely means fewer police officers on London's streets at a time when crime in London and elsewhere is rising.

It's time the Government properly funded London's police service and gave our brave officers the pay rise they deserve.

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