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MOPAC Decisions

  • PCD 1505 Mechanical & Electrical, General Building Works & Locksmiths (MEGBW) – North & South Lots Increase in Contract Value

    Page type: Decision

    • Date signed:
    • Date published:
    • Reference code: PCD 1505
    This paper seeks approval for a uplift in the contract value for the awards made for the supply of Mechanical & Electrical, General Building Works and Locksmiths services to two suppliers of £19,714,853 and £27,062,294 respectively, to enable the second of two contract extensions to be exercised. The cost will be funded from within existing resources.
  • PCD 1486 Engage North West BCU

    Page type: Decision

    • Date signed:
    • Date published:
    • Reference code: PCD 1486
    The ENGAGE programme provides vital support to children and young people (aged 10-17) within police custody. The ENGAGE programme locates local authority youth workers within police custody to support them at critical ‘reachable and teachable’ moments. ENGAGE youth workers work closely with the NHS Liaison and Diversion scheme to ensure that young people are offered well-rounded care to support their wellbeing, and ongoing signposting into positive opportunities within the community and statutory support services- where required.
    In financial year 22/23, the ENGAGE programme expanded to a further 4 custody suites, with Harrow taking the ‘lead borough’ role on behalf of North West BCU.
    Due to challenges with mobilisation, officers from across Harrow, Brent and Barnet agree that Barnet are in a better position to lead the programme on behalf of the North West BCU from July 2023 to March 2025 and can start delivering at pace.
    This decision is seeking to end the grant agreement held with the London Borough of Harrow and enter a new grant agreement with the London Borough of Barnet. This decision has no additional cost.
  • PCD 1500 Contract Renewal for the Forensics Application Remote Search and Review

    Page type: Decision

    • Date signed:
    • Date published:
    • Reference code: PCD 1500
    This paper seeks MOPAC approval for a call off contract via a Value Added Reseller to Magnet Forensics for the maintenance and support of the Metropolitan Police Service’s existing Forensic solution - Remote Search and Rescue – over a three year period.
  • PCD 1516 Q1 Budget Monitoring 2023/24

    Page type: Decision

    • Date signed:
    • Date published:
    • Reference code: PCD 1516
    The MOPAC/MPS budget was approved in March 2023, revisions to the MOPAC budget were subsequently approved in June reflecting the proposed use of carry forwards from the 2022/23 budget, changes in grant assumptions and a minor adjustment between the MOPAC and MPS budget. Net expenditure remains the same at £3,281.5m.
    The MOPAC/MPS 2023/24 budget was approved in March 2023. Since the MOPAC/MPS budget was approved there have been a number of changes to the MOPAC budget following confirmation of grants, approved use of reserves and carry forward of budgets from 2022/23 which were agreed as part of the out-turn process in June. Net expenditure for the MOPAC/MPS budget remains unchanged.
    As at the end of June 2023 MPS and MOPAC are forecasting an underspend of £12.1m for the end of the 2023/24 financial year of which £12.5m relates to MPS, offset by an overspend within MOPAC of £0.4m.
    The Capital Programme remains unchanged since it was approved in March 2023 and is forecasting an underspend of £53.5m largely driven by delays in a property transaction along with variety of refurbishment works no longer expected to take place in the current financial year (£70.3m) and other minor underspends (£2.1m) offset by an overspend in Transformation (£18.9m).
    The forecast position on reserves is also set out in the report and shows that earmarked reserves are forecast to reduce from £448.8m at the end of 2022/23 to £266.6m by the end of 2023/24. The reduction in reserves is £11.3m less than anticipated when the budget was set due a number of reasons including, reprofiling of projects into future financial years requiring funds to be carried forward from both 2022/23 into 2023/24 and also 2023/24 into 2024/25, and changes in planned usage of reserves.
  • PCD 1518 MOPAC Research Services Contract 2024-28

    Page type: Decision

    • Date signed:
    • Date published:
    • Reference code: PCD 1518
    MOPAC are seeking approval to award Opinion Research Services (ORS) the contract for the provision of research requirements for MOPAC, via the Research Services Contract. The contract will last for a period of three financial years with an option to extend for a further twelve months if required. The maximum contract value will be £5,461,310.43 across four years. This constitutes £4,032,819 for the initial three years (as per the quote provided by ORS as part of their bid), plus a projected £1,428,491.43 for the fourth (+1) year. Note the fourth year projected costs are the same as the third year quoted costs.
    The winning bid is £1,061,310.43 above our originally-projected budget of £4.4m for the Research Services Contract (PCD 1237).
    The research contract will facilitate the delivery of Police and Crime Plan objectives, by providing a robust evidence base for improving public perceptions and victim satisfaction (via the Public Attitude Survey and User Satisfaction Survey). Utilising an external company enables MOPAC to achieve a fully independent assessment of Londoners’ voice.
  • PCD 1523 Fleet Support Goods & Services Contracts

    Page type: Decision

    • Date signed:
    • Date published:
    • Reference code: PCD 1523
    This paper seeks approval for a range of procurement actions over the period from 2024 to 2028 in relation to fleet services. There is no request for additional funding. The paper includes approval to re-procure a range of goods and services with various contract lengths, the re-procurements do not commit the MPS to spending the contract value, and the values include a significant element of headroom to provide for uncertainty in respect of both prices and volume. There is a maximum multi-year value of £258,020,000, - the maximum annual value would be c£50m. The paper also seeks approval for three current contract uplifts due to unexpected volume usage related to the late Queen’s funeral and the Kings coronation, and a single tender action in relation to the King’s coronation.
  • PCD 1537 VRU Additional Borough Support

    Page type: Decision

    • Date signed:
    • Date published:
    • Reference code: PCD 1537
    The VRU are continuously listening to our partners to understand potential gaps, additional asks and how we can better support local provision, partnership responses to violence and share our learning across London to further understand impact and ‘what works’. Feedback from our local authority partners has highlighted how we can quickly respond to some of these gaps and additional asks. Those being an increased offer of investment support post critical incident to support local immediate response. Additionally, support for resourcing more local evaluation and research into programmes and investment at borough level.
    As part of PCD 1147 there is an approved decision for a critical incident draw down fund up to £750,000 each year for 2023-2024 and 2024-2025, allocating up to £5,000 per critical incidents. The VRU are seeking to increase this individual offer up to £25,000 per critical incident where additional criteria met to better support and enable local response. The overall budget remains the same.
    The VRU Research, Monitoring, Evaluation Learning (RMEL) team is currently developing our online evidence hub, designed to share learning and best practice in the violence reduction field. The VRU would like to further develop this function locally by supporting local authorities to fund evaluation and research of violence reduction and prevention interventions, offering grant funding of £5,000- £50,000 between 2023-2025 with an overall budget of up to £500,000.
  • PCD 1550 Vertical Real Estate Paper - Single Tender Action - Hub Telecoms

    Page type: Decision

    • Date signed:
    • Date published:
    • Reference code: PCD 1550
    This paper seeks approval to a single tender action for the award of a contract to Hub Telecoms Consultancy Limited for the provision of advice in relation to telecoms masts on the MOPAC estate. The award is for an initial two year term with an optional 1 year extension at a value of upto £150,000 per annum.
  • PCD 1553 Criminal Exhibits Stores - Security Enhancements Decision Paper

    Page type: Decision

    • Date signed:
    • Date published:
    • Reference code: PCD 1553
    This paper seeks approval to invest upto £1,500,000 in enhancing the security of criminal exhibit stores. The cost will be funded from the existing approved capital programme.
  • PCD 1556 Radio Procurement Proposal

    Page type: Decision

    • Date signed:
    • Date published:
    • Reference code: PCD 1556
    This Paper seeks permission to approve the purchase of various radio equipment and services over 5 years from financial year 2024-2025 onwards.
  • PCD 1554 Uplands Lease Extension

    Page type: Decision

    • Date signed:
    • Date published:
    • Reference code: PCD 1554
    This paper seeks approval for the extension of the current lease arrangement for the Emergency Response and Patrol Team (ERPT) at the Uplands Business Park in Waltham Forest until December 2027. The cost of the extension is provided for within existing budgets.
  • PCD 1560 Acceptance and granting of MOPAC’s Safer Streets Funding from the Home Office (FYs 2023/2024 & 2024/25)

    Page type: Decision

    • Date signed:
    • Date published:
    • Reference code: PCD 1560
    On 26th October 2023, the Home Office confirmed that MOPAC had been successful in applying for £990,324.28 in funding from Round 5 of its Safer Streets Fund, which is focusing on acquisitive crime, anti-social behaviour, and safer spaces for women and girls. The funding is covering two financial years (2023/24 and 2024/25) and will be split into two tranches accordingly. The first tranche for 2023/24 is £455,631.44 and the second tranche in 2024/25 will be £534,692.84.
    MOPAC has received the first contract to sign from the Home Office covering the first FY 2023/24.
    This decision is for MOPAC to accept both tranches of funding to re-grant to three London boroughs and their respective projects. The successful boroughs were put forward by MOPAC in its successful proposal to the Home Office earlier in 2023 following a shortlisting and review process involving colleagues from MOPAC, the GLA, and the Metropolitan Police.
    The amounts to be granted to boroughs by MOPAC following receipt will be:
    £502,992.00 to Lewisham (£272,664.00 in FY 2023/24 and £230,328 in FY 2024/25).
    £239,832.28 to Haringey (£100,467.44 in FY 2023/24 and £139,364.84 in FY 2024/25).
    £247,500.00 to Croydon (£82,500.00 in FY 2023/24 and £165,000.00 in FY 2024/25).
  • PCD 1559 NPCC Serious and Organised Crime Portfolio Home Office Grant award 2023/24

    Page type: Decision

    • Date signed:
    • Date published:
    • Reference code: PCD 1559
    This paper seeks approval to accept Home Office grant funding of £2,480,000 for 2023/24 to support the delivery of the NPCC Serious and Organised Crime portfolio objectives. There is no financial exposure to MOPAC.
  • PCD 1562 Changes to the National Policing Programme Grant Agreement for 685 Digital Public Contact

    Page type: Decision

    • Date signed:
    • Date published:
    • Reference code: PCD 1562
    This decision seeks approval to accept additional funding from the Home Office for the Digital Public Contact (DPC) Programme in 2023-24 of:
    £1,000,000 for the extension of the Single Online Home front-end to provide a portal capability with integration to Humberside Police’s crime management system.
    £200,000 for continued development of the DPC Analysis & Insights reporting dashboard to include benefits and enhancements to the StreetSafe tool, to include reporting of public transport locations for richer dataset to inform community activities.
  • PCD 1575 Parent Carer Champion Network extension

    Page type: Decision

    • Date signed:
    • Date published:
    • Reference code: PCD 1575
    The Violence Reduction Unit’s parenting and families work focuses on developing stronger and more resourceful families (to better support young people). The Unit takes a ‘whole family approach’ to reducing violence. Programmes in this space focus on building strong parental and family relationships and supporting organisations and agencies to work together to engage families and support their needs.
    The Violence Reduction Unit has invested in a Parent Carer Champion Network (approved in PCD 1442, 1295,1263 and CEOD 29/23) which has already supported over 7,000 parents and carers to increase their confidence in parenting and improve their family relationships. The Network is empowering and providing opportunities for parents and carers to shape their own lives, and an external evaluation (approved in CEOD 29/23) will commence in 2023/24 Q4 to establish the effectiveness of the Network’s approach to reaching its high level intended outcomes.
    This decision seeks approval to extend the programme for a year across FY 2024/25 by £1,305,000, so the Network in 29 boroughs, being delivered through 27 grassroots voluntary sector organisations, can continue to run building a wider evidence base whilst a process and impact evaluation is undertaken by a commissioned evaluation partner.
  • PCD 1579 Transformation Portfolio Delivery Partner

    Page type: Decision

    • Date signed:
    • Date published:
    • Reference code: PCD 1579
    This paper seeks approval for the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) to conduct a mini-competition procurement process for a Transformation Delivery Partner (TDP) at approximately £38m to provide support to the Transformation Directorate and Enabling Functions through a variety of Services, including Portfolio Services and assisting with the development of Outline Business Cases to deliver the commitments made in the New Met for London (NMfL). Actual spend will be committed only within available budget. 
  • PCD 1573 Equinix Data Centre Contract Renewal

    Page type: Decision

    • Date signed:
    • Date published:
    • Reference code: PCD 1573
    MPS Technical Equipment Rooms (TERs) were relocated to a Commercial Data Centre in 2015. The original agreement has now expired and a renewal of that agreement is sought. DMPC is being asked to approve the renewal of the agreement and associated funding of £5.716m over six years.
  • PCD 1547 CD & I Directorate and Transformation Programme

    Page type: Decision

    • Date signed:
    • Date published:
    • Reference code: PCD 1547
    This paper seeks approval to go to market for a direct contract award of a maximum value of £900,000 to support the delivery of the CD&I Professional Services, a Baseline Audit of all on going CD&I initiatives across the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) and to activate the Standards and Values work-stream.
  • PCD 1519 My Ends 2 Evaluation & extension reprofile 25/26

    Page type: Decision

    • Date signed:
    • Date published:
    • Reference code: PCD 1519
    Since April 2021, the VRU’s place based MyEnds programme has been providing support and funding for communities to lead and deliver interventions across eight neighbourhoods affected by high and sustained levels of violence across London.
    Following the promising first year of the programme, on 12 July 2022, the Mayor was pleased to announce a further £9 million funding for the VRU flagship community-led programme to tackle violence and deliver positive opportunities for young people. This allowed the VRU to extend the delivery of the MyEnds programme across all eight currently commissioned neighbourhoods for a further 15 months from 1 April 2023 until 30 June 2024. This has been approved via PCD 1149 dated 25 May 2022.
    PCD 1149 also enables us to utilise the learning from the interim process & impact evaluations, as well as feedback from existing MyEnds partners & boroughs to design and commission an evolved iteration of the programme and continue to deliver hyperlocal responses to violence. The current decision under PCD 1149 only approves allocation for one year of MyEnds 2.0. In order for us to implement key activity strands, demonstrate impact and achieve the projected outcomes, we require a minimum of two years funding and therefore request for MyEnds 2.0 to be extended until 31 March 2026. This may also mean extending further into 2026/2027 and 2027/2028 subject to a suitable funding stream being available.
    A portion of the total allocation for the first year of MyEnds 2.0 will be assigned and evenly distributed into sustainability grants amongst the 8 commissioned partners from the original iteration. This is to assist partners with sustainability after the decommissioning of the first iteration concluding June 2024.
    The VRU’s commissioning approach is centered on using evidence and intelligence to ensure projects are operating in the areas they are needed most, and that learning is being effectively captured and evaluated for long term change. In accordance with this, the VRU is keen to also commission an external evaluation partner to ensure constant iteration and development is grounded in evidence and dynamic learning for MyEnds 2.0, scheduled 1 April 2024 until 31 March 2026.
    PCD1351 requested a Community Needs Assessment for MyEnds 2.0 which will provide a detailed assessment of local need to support MyEnds consortiums in their strategy development during the programmes mobilisation phase.
    This proposal is to (a) allocate a total of £ 3,000,000 for 2025/2026 to extend MyEnds 2.0 for two years delivery and (b) fund the evaluation of the intended two-year lifespan of the programme, covering 1 April 2024 to 31 March 2026.
  • PCD 1481 Request for authorisation to settle a civil claim against the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS)

    Page type: Decision

    • Date signed:
    • Date published:
    • Reference code: PCD 1481
    The Deputy Mayor for Policing and Crime (DMPC) is asked to approve the settlement of a civil claim against the MPS.
    There is an open and exempt report as some of the information relates to data protection, is commercially sensitive and is legal professional privileged.