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MOPAC Decisions

  • PCD 1526 Violence Against Women and Girls Support Services – 24/25 Commissioning Decisions

    Page type: Decision

    • Date signed:
    • Reference code: PCD 1526
    In March 2022, the Mayor published his new Police and Crime Plan (PCP), and in June 2022, he published his refreshed Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) Strategy. These documents set out MOPAC’s strategic priorities for the remainder of the Mayoralty and represent a large and complex delivery programme.

    A key VAWG Strategy commitment is to continue to work with partners, including the VAWG sector, to review how sexual violence service provision can better serve victims and survivors from all backgrounds and with diverse experiences; and how it can reflect learning from the thematic reviews. MOPAC is in the process of undertaking user-led sexual violence services redesign (CEOD 12-2022 refers), which will lead to the re-commissioning of these services in London.

    Whilst this activity is ongoing and a comprehensive transition plan is developed to support the implementation of the new service model, MOPAC’s existing commissioned services will continue to provide the much needed specialist support for victim-survivors of sexual violence in London. This decision therefore seeks approval to extend these services and confirm funding allocations up until 31 March 2025.

    The following 8 services have been identified as key programmes supporting the delivery of the Mayor’s ambition to tackle Violence Against Women and Girls and support victims and survivors:

    The four London Rape Crisis Centres, covering North, South, East and West London

    London Survivors Gateway, a partnership providing services for survivors of sexual violence

    Survivors UK, specialist support for male victims of rape and sexual abuse

    Galop, specialist support for LGBTQI+ victims of rape and sexual abuse

    Havens Sexual Assault and Referral Centres (SARCs)

    The total financial commitment for these 8 services in 2024/2025 will be £6,624,956, in line with 2023/24 budget provision.
  • PCD 1585 Application to settle a claim against the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS)

    Page type: Decision

    • Date signed:
    • Reference code: PCD 1585
    The DMPC agree a request to settle a claim against the MPS, as set out in the part 2 report.

    The Deputy Mayor for Policing and Crime has the discretion to authorise the settlement of legal proceedings where it would be conducive to the maintenance of an efficient and effective police force.
  • PCD 1584 Continuing the Y2A Hub 24/25

    Page type: Decision

    • Date signed:
    • Reference code: PCD 1584
    MOPAC manages and co funds the Youth 2 Adult Hub, a pilot project which aims to reduce reoffending and improve outcomes for young adults on probation in Newham. This decision seeks approval to extend the Hub by 12 months to March 2025 by committing £250,000 in MOPAC funding and receiving £50,000 from the London Borough of Newham. This extension will also be supported by Probation, as they continue to commit resources to the hub and NHSE and HMPPS through the commitment of £50,000 from the Offender Personality Disorder (OPD) pathway to the hub wellbeing service.
    The Y2A Hub has been operational since April 2022 and this extension provides an important window of opportunity to seek sustainable funding beyond March 2025 following receipt of evaluation reports.
    Under the above funding the Hub will operate an adapted model with some services (accommodation, service user engagement and staff training) extended for 2 months while a funding bid and procurement process is undertaken for the remaining delivery period. £30,000 is to be granted under the MoU for the women co-commissioned service to the MoJ to allow for the continuation of dedicated provision for young women in Newham. £72,000 will be granted to NHSE to allow for the continuation of the wellbeing service.
  • PCD 1589 ESB Decarbonisation

    Page type: Decision

    • Date signed:
    • Reference code: PCD 1589
    This paper seeks approval to accept a GLA offer of grant funding of £998,646 to undertake design stage work for the decarbonisation of Empress State Building (ESB), and to procure the necessary project management and technical design expertise.
  • PCD 1644 VRU Growth Funds Delivery 2024-2026

    Page type: Decision

    • Date signed:
    • Reference code: PCD 1644
    The Violence Reduction Unit (VRU) has received enhanced funding from the Mayor of London. In February 2024, the Mayor announced a £6.5m package of additional funding to strengthen the work of London’s VRU to tackle violence and support our neighbourhoods across London. This decision sets out further programmatic activity and funding recommendations to support the ongoing and widely recognised work of the VRU in reaching children, families, communities and frontline professionals to achieve its core aims of reducing and preventing violence.
    The additional investment included £3m for increased detached outreach to tackle robbery via a programme of street-based youth workers working after school hours to support and divert young people from robbery, exploitation and violence. The remaining 3.4m funding will boost the VRU's MyEnds community-led programmes across all 32 London boroughs, taking the learning and key principles of the MyEnds model to have that same presence in more areas of the city.
    The VRU will create new investments in projects across London to tackle robbery as well as bolster current MyEnds programmes and offer funding across further areas of the city. This decision will therefore incorporate approval budget decisions to cover 2024-2026. 
  • PCD 1604 Extension of GPS Tagging 2024-26

    Page type: Decision

    • Date signed:
    • Reference code: PCD 1604
    This decision seeks approval to extend MOPAC’s GPS tagging provision until March 2026. This will include a two year extension to the GPS knife crime programme and a short extension to the domestic abuse pilot of no more than three months (after which we are advised that new MoJ provision will be in place to replace this). Additionally, a new GPS tagging pilot for Stalkers will also be introduced to run until March 2026. This extension is based on approval from the Secretary of State for Justice, which has now been obtained for this period.
  • PCD 1590 Larkhall Roof Repairs

    Page type: Decision

    • Date signed:
    • Reference code: PCD 1590
    This paper seeks approval to invest upto £1,150,000 to replace the life expired roof at Block B of Larkhall Lane. The costs will be funded from within the existing approved capital Forward Works budget.
  • PCD 1598 NPCC Reform Grant Variation

    Page type: Decision

    • Date signed:
    • Reference code: PCD 1598
    This paper seeks approval to accept Home Office grant funding of £1,487,500 for 2023/24 to support the NPCC Policing Productivity Review, the Delivery Landscape Reform Programme and the NPCC Digital, Data and Technology Coordination Committee. There is no financial exposure to MOPAC.
  • PCD 1599 NPCC Soteria Grant Agreement v5 Signed

    Page type: Decision

    • Date signed:
    • Reference code: PD 1599
    This paper seeks approval for the acceptance of Home Office grant funding of £2,450,000 in 2023/24, and up to £2,500,000 in 2024/25, to support the Joint Soteria Unit in implementing the roll out of the national operating model for the investigation of rape and other serious sexual offences (RAOSO)
  • PCD 1602 YEF Fund-uplift for efficacy

    Page type: Decision

    • Date signed:
    • Reference code: PCD 1602
    Since April 2022, the London Violence Reduction Unit (VRU) have received funding from the Youth Endowment Fund (YEF) for the delivery of the Your Choice programme. Your Choice provides high intensity CBT interventions to young people who have been assessed as vulnerable to violence and exploitation. In August 2023, The YEF announced that the programme had met the criteria to progress into a full randomised control trial (RCT). The RCT is a gold-standard evaluation and will enable the VRU to strengthen our understanding of the effectiveness of therapeutic interventions for children and young people at risk of harm. 30 local authorities will participate in this final phase of the programme.
    This decision seeks permission to accept an uplift from the YEF by £100,000 for the delivery of the final phase of the programme and vary a grant agreement held with London Councils for the co-ordination of the Your Choice programme between August 2023 and March 2025. The VRU will also utilise funding from the YEF grant towards internal management costs.
  • PCD 1603 Stalking Awareness Training for CJS Agencies - Contract Extension & Uplift

    Page type: Decision

    • Date signed:
    • Reference code: PCD 1603
    DMPC Decision PCD 1412 approved the procurement of Stalking Awareness Training to CJS Agencies. The successful provider, Strawberry Hill Ltd (St Mary’s University in collaboration with Alice Ruggles Trust) have been delivering training sessions to MPS, CPS and London Probation staff to improve awareness, identification and responses to stalking cases. This was a commitment within the Mayor’s VAWG Strategy.
    This decision requests approval for the extension of the current contract from 03 February 2024 until 31st July 2024 and to uplift the contract by a maximum of £174,744. This extension and uplift will allow for the development of an e-learning training package to be developed for front line officers across the MPS. MPS will be providing funding to MOPAC for the majority of this contract extension.
    The original tender for the delivery of the Stalking Awareness Training outlined pending funding confirmation the contract would be uplifted and extended to include this piece of work and therefore MOPAC are acting within procurement legislation. 
  • PCD 1601 Procurement of a provider to convene children and young adults to co-produce a new system vision for London youth justice system

    Page type: Decision

    • Date signed:
    • Reference code: PCD 1601
    MOPAC play an important role in convening partners in the Youth Justice System to facilitate improvements to the system that sit across partnership agencies. To ensure that this work impacts on long-term change and to encourage active engagement from across the system, MOPAC have convened partners to start designing a shared ‘vision’ for youth justice in London, which will include agreeing shared outcomes, understanding and focus. To ensure that the ‘vision’ is shaped by the needs and experiences of children and young adults with experience of the youth justice system, this decision asks for approval to procure a provider to convene a group of 8-10 children and young adults to co-develop and co-produce a shared youth justice system vision for London.
    This work has a maximum value of £15,000 over its lifetime and the contract will allow for up to 6 months of delivery. Procurement will involve an Invitation to Quote open to at least 3 providers, full evaluation and moderation will take place to choose the successful provider.
  • PCD 1618 Pan-London Information Governance Lead

    Page type: Decision

    • Date signed:
    • Reference code: PCD 1618
    In June 2022, MOPAC agreed to jointly fund the Pan London Information Governance Lead alongside London Office of Technology and Innovation and Metropolitan Police.
    The Lead supports data sharing between London boroughs and the Metropolitan Police. They have also established data sharing agreements, acted as a trusted advisor and conducted research on behalf of the funding organisations.
    Further funding for the next three years (2024-27) has been requested to continue the role.
    The funding required will be £115,210 in 2024/25, and £123,982 in 2025/26 and £113,630 in 2026/27.
    This decision seeks approval for the MOPAC portion of this funding.
  • PCD 1616 OP Soteria, Year Two (Amendments)

    Page type: Decision

    • Date signed:
    • Reference code: PCD 1616
     Operation Soteria is a national programme to transform the policing response to rape. This decision refers to the period when MOPAC hosted the programme. Circumstances around certain payments previously covered by DMPC 980/2022 have now been subject to considerable change that a new decision is required to enable payments to be made to institutions who have contributed to this Programme.
    NPCC Programme Leads and Finance have cleared this report and the finance implications (£22,000 from NPCC Home Office Grant in 2023/24).
  • PCD 1610 Educational Programme Extension

    Page type: Decision

    • Date signed:
    • Reference code: PCD 1610
    The Violence Reduction Unit (VRU) prioritises working in education. All of the VRU’s education investments, research and policy work promotes healthy relationships and inclusive practices to reduce disengagement and tackle all forms of exclusions, including suspensions, managed moves, and the rising levels of absenteeism.
    The VRU has contracted a Research Partner (CEOD 26.2023) to help develop, and produce evidence to underpin, London’s Inclusion Charter - a partnership between young people, parents, schools and local authorities to tackle rising suspensions and absenteeism that has led to thousands of children losing out on learning. The research partner‘s contract ends March 2024, however there is a need to extend this contract to enable a thorough and successful mobilisation of London’s Inclusion Charter after its launch, through the production of strategic guides to embed inclusive practices and processes in schools across London.
    As part of the VRU’s aims to increase inclusion, improve positive relationships and drive up attendance, the VRU invested in the AP/PRU Mentoring Programme (DMPC 1078; 1359) across April 2022 to March 2025. 22 boroughs have mentors who successfully support children and young people to increase their attendance, and improve positive behaviour and engagement in education, all key to driving down exploitation and violence.
    After some positive consultations with unfunded boroughs, the VRU is seeking approval to
    expand the provision from 22 boroughs to all 32 boroughs in London across 2024 – 2025; and
    to extend the funding to all 32 boroughs for a further year to August 2026, to enable the development of a borough-wide AP/PRU network and an evaluation to take place.
  • PCD 1617 Request for authorisation to settle civil claims against the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS)

    Page type: Decision

    • Date signed:
    • Reference code: PCD 1617
    The Deputy Mayor for Policing and Crime (DMPC) is asked to approve the settlement of civil claims against the MPS.
    There is an open and exempt report as some of the information relates to data protection, is commercially sensitive and is legal professional privileged.
  • PCD 1619 Request for authorisation to settle a civil claim against the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS)

    Page type: Decision

    • Date signed:
    • Reference code: PCD 1619
    The Deputy Mayor for Policing and Crime (DMPC) is asked to consider a request to settle civil claims.
    The Deputy Mayor for Policing and Crime has the discretion to authorise financial settlement of claims where it would be conducive to the maintenance of an efficient and effective police force. V
  • PCD 1600 MoJ Additional ISVA/IDVA Funding 2023/24-2024/25

    Page type: Decision

    • Date signed:
    • Reference code: PCD 1600
    The Mayor is determined to see that victims of crime in London are better supported as a result of the steps set out in his Police and Crime Plan 2022-25. He is clear that the police, justice agencies and other partner organisations must work together if support is to be improved for victims pursuing their case through the justice process and for those who choose not to report.
    MOPAC receives funding from the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) to pay for some of the victim and witness support services MOPAC commissions in London. This funding comes to MOPAC via two multi-year grant agreements from the MoJ (known as Core and General) covering financial years 2022/23, 2023/24, and 2024/25.
    In December 2023, the MoJ has offered an uplift in funding to the General grant agreement. The additional funding totals £275,592.45 in ringfenced ISVAs/IDVAs funding, broken down by £55,117.65 in 2023/24 and £220,474.80 2024/25.
    This decision seeks approval to accept the additional grant funding, sign the MoJ General Grant Addendum, and manage the onward distribution of the funding to victim and witness services.
  • PCD 1605 Application for Financial Assistance for the legal representation of former officers at an inquest

    Page type: Decision

    • Date signed:
    • Reference code: PCD 1605
    The Deputy Mayor for Policing and Crime (DMPC) is asked to consider an application for financial assistance made by the Applicants for legal representation at an inquest.
    The Deputy Mayor for Policing and Crime has the discretion to authorise financial assistance for police officers and staff where it would be conducive to the maintenance of an efficient and effective police force
  • PCD 1629 Request for authorisation to settle a claim for damages against the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS)

    Page type: Decision

    • Date signed:
    • Reference code: PCD 1629
    The Deputy Mayor for Policing and Crime (DMPC) is asked to approve the settlement of a claim for
    damages against the MPS.
    There is an open and exempt report as some of the information relates to data protection, is
    commercially sensitive and is legal professional privileged.